Click here for our online shop
There may be a small delay in mailing and receiving of goods due to the situation.
Any questions about anything let us know by shop email:
Or please send a message directly here.
Shop Hours 貿易時間 13:00 - 21:00 (木曜 / 日曜のみ) Thursdays and Sundays only Address 〒166-0003 東京都杉並区高円寺南3-45-1 永和ビル304号 〒166-0003 Tokyo,Suginami,Koenji-Minami 3-45-1 Eiwa Building #304 Phone ☎050-3544-7119 (English / 日本語) Shop Mail ✉shop-rebk@kennycreation.com
Please contact us for shooting space information, item rentals, and media coverage.
Internet Shopping Site: https://reverieemp.base.shop *Switch to desired language and currency on the Base shop web page 日本語 —> English USD/JPY/EUR accepted **International shipping is available!
DIRECTIONS (left to right)
Parking Access
You can drop these parking space addresses into google maps:
Picture 1:
〒166-0003 東京都杉並区高円寺南3丁目22−15
Picture 2:
〒166-0003 東京都杉並区高円寺南3丁目44−4 パークジャパン高円寺南第18付近